Friday, January 7, 2011

Days 1-8

Can I just tell you how much fun I have been having?
A lot of fun!
It's been fun trying to figure out what I am going to do that day.
Fun getting the people involved in my little tasks.
It's just been fun.
Day 1
Laying next to a lane line
Those lines are really long.
Day 2
Kipnap a friend to take them to breakfast
Day 3
I wanted to kiss someone at midnight for New Years
but alas I was sick in bed
I got up on the other side of the bed that morning
Think about it, have you ever done that?
Day 4
Eat cake & ice cream together
I usually eat those separate
Day 5
Eat "soft toffee"
A friend had me try his family deliciousness
He talked it up too much.
Day 6
Ride on top of my car
The picture was taken with a camera phone, sorry
Day 7
Go down my stairs, head first on my stomach
Yes, my old body did not like that one bit
And maybe those boxes have been there since Christmas
Day 8
Wore a hat to work
This one was fun.
The boys were making comments.
22 more days.
Gratitude Rocks!!!
- End of a trial, snuggle under a blanket, sleep, a healthy body, end of a boring week


  1. i may have to copy you for my birthday this year and do 21 new things... i don't like missing out on all the fun!!! :) i LOVE all the things you have done so far!!! you deserve to be having a blast girl!! love you BUNCHES!!

  2. You are so funny. You so different in a hat. The guys probably thought there was a new employee in their midst.
