Monday, May 16, 2011

Huge Impact

My friends are very important to me
They are my second family
And I have had some really close friends come into my life
that have impacted it in more ways than one.
The one friend that has seen me through some happy times
as well as the really low parts of my life
has been this guy.
This is Dave
I have talked about him before but I will enlighten you further
This guy is simply amazing
He is so patient with me, this guy deserves a medal.
He has helped me be the person that I am today
and each day I know him has blessed my life.
I am indebted to this boy forever.
You know that song from Wicked 'For Good'?
That is our relationship.
I know that he came into my life for a reason
I have learned more about myself and my capabilities because of him
He is leaving Arizona at the end of the year
and I will be deeply sad when he goes on to better things.
Vielen Dank Dave für alles, dass Sie für mich gemacht haben. Ich liebe Sie Kumpel!

Gratitude Rocks!!!
- Denim Dave, a patient boss, anti-virus programs (stupid virus on the computer), normallcy

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